De novo em Plum Village
Estou, uma vez mais, a preparar-me para ir a Plum Village.
Estive lá entre Julho e Agosto deste ano e agora, mais cedo
do que pensava, volto.
É um prazer estar na presença de Thich Nhat Hanh, com todo
o seu carinho, com todo o amor partilhado a cada gesto.
E, como o amigo Marcelo escreveu no seu blog:
(...) Da mesma maneira a voz dele, de infinita suavidade, dirige-se
ao nosso bebê Buda... Suas palestras sobre o Dharma têm o
tom de uma mãe que desperta com muito cuidado e carinho
o seu bebê, colocando na voz todo o seu infinito amor...
Despertando com amor o bebê Buda da nossa natureza búdica...
Aqui está um dharma talk dado por Nhat Hanh em Plum Village,
a Junho de 2006.
E em baixo está a transcrição do ensinamento feita pelo Marcelo.
Life can only be touched in the here and the now.
The here contains the now and the now contains
the here, and it is why the practice is to go back
to the present moment in order to touch life.
Life has so many wonders within it, and if we do
not go back to the present moment we can never
touch life with all the wonders. Our appointment
with life is in the present moment. If we miss the
appointment life is not for us, and that is why the
practice of mindfulness is first of all the practice of
being back to life and touching life in the present
Between the body and the mind there
is something else that links the two things. That is
our breathing. When we touch our breathing:
Breathing in, I know I am breathing in; Breathing
out, I know I am breathing out – our mind and
body begin to come together. We don’t need to
practice very long, we need to breathe in and out
mindfully one time, two times, in order for our
mind and body to come together. Everyone can
do that, including the very young people. And
the fruit of the practice is called oneness of body
and mind, that can be obtained just after five,
ten seconds. You are disturbed, you are not there,
suddenly you go back to yourself and you make
yourself present in the here and the now, ready
to touch life, ready to be aware of what is going
on – that is the practice of mindfulness.
The greatest gift you can make to your beloved
one is your presence, and that cannot be bought
with money. When you love someone you have
to make yourself available: Darling, I am there
for you – that is the deepest love statement.
If you don’t make yourself available, if you don’t
make yourself present, how can you love?
And that is why the practice of mindfulness is the
practice of love.
Com especial obrigado ao Marcelo pela cedência
dos contéudos.
tão bom poder compartilhar.
obrigado, amigo.
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